About the Journal


Focus and SCOPE
SECTION Policies

Inclusion and INDEXING
ARCHIVING and Self-Archiving Policy

Code of Ethics and Good Editorial Practices
Policy Against Plagiarism


Author Guidelines
Copyright Notice
Privacy Statement

Theme and SCOPE

Boletín de Arte [Journal of Art] (BOA) is a peer-reviewed and continuos publication journal, edited by the Institute of History of Argentine and American Art (IHAAA) of the Faculty of Arts (FDA), National University of La Plata (UNLP).

Its object is the publication of original and unpublished articles which deal with advances and results of research in history of art, visual studies and compared arts.

The journal is addressed to professionals, researchers, professors, fellows and postgraduate students, and is edited in Spanish, French, Portuguese and English, when one of these is the author’s mother tongue

The National University of La Plata, the main area in which the journal is published, supports the movement of open access to knowledge as a common good, so the journal provides immediate and complete access to all its content and its editions have no charges or charges for the authors or for the readers.

The journal and its volumes are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) and, in accordance with its self-archiving policy, the deposit of postprint versions or the editor's version in institutional and thematic repositories is allowed.


Boletín de Arte [Journal of Art] (BOA) was printed until 2012 and since 2013 it has been released digitally only.

Since edition number 18 (2018), all materials published in the journal have doi (Digital Object Identifier) and, since 2023, the editorial team uses iThenticate, a match detection tool to verify and prevent plagiarism. Both resources are provided and financed by the National University of La Plata.

The journal reserves the right to accept or reject the contributions received, in accordance with its thematic scope and the compliance of its editorial requirements.

The authors of the articles are fully liable for the opinions they express.


SECTION Policies


Comprobado Open Submissions Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Evaluado por pares


Comprobado Open Submissions Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer Reviewed

Status of the issue

Comprobado Open Submissions Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer Reviewed


Comprobado Open Submissions Comprobado Indizado Comprobado Evaluado por pares


Boletín de Arte [Journal of Art] (BOA) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with continuous publication.

Articles are published individually and sequentially in the current issue.

The invitation for the presentation of articles is permanently open.

* Frecuency adopted since 2023 edicion.



The contributions received by the journal are analyzed by the editorial group in order to ensure that they comply with the scope declared by the publication and its editorial requirements.
Those contributions that do not comply with these criteria will be rejected or, when the editor in charge considers it appropriate, returned to their authors to be adjusted.
The articles sent to sections under arbitration are forwarded to two specialists in the subject for revision (none of them belong to the editorial group).
For the evaluation of the contributions received, the journal uses the double-blind peer review process.
The revision is done by the evaluators within 30 days, approximately (this period might be longer depending on the result of the first revision).
As a result of this process, the articles may be accepted, accepted with modifications or rejected, based on appropriate arguments.
When the evaluators indicate the need to make changes to the articles for their eventual publication, these will be informed to the authors who will have to commit to make these modifications and send the new version within a period no longer than 30 days.*
If the reports made by the evaluators differ in essential aspects, the works will be sent to a third evaluator.
If necessary, the direction of the journal will mediate to reach a final decision.
Once the work has been accepted, the authors will be informed of the issue in which it will be published.

* In these cases, the acceptance date will be set considering the date of the approval of the latest version.


Inclusion and iNDEXING

Boletín de Arte [Journal of Art] (BOA) includes the following indexes, bases and catalogues:

NBR | Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas

ESCI | Emerging Sources Citation Index

LATINDEX Catálogo 2.0 | Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (México)

DOAJ | Directory of Open Access Journal (Suecia)

DIALNET Plus | Portal bibliográfico de la Universidad de La Rioja (España)

MIAR | Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas (España)

EZB | Electronic Journals Library of University of Regensburg (Alemania)

LatinREV | Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (FLACSO Argentina)

ResearcH | Directorio de Revistas Científicas (Colombia)

Malena | Políticas de jerarquización, acceso y archivo de las publicaciones científicas argentinas (Argentina)

BASE | Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (Alemania)

ROAD | Directorio de Recursos Científicos y Universitarios en Acceso Abierto

BINPAR | Bibliografía Nacional de Publicaciones Periódicas Argentinas Registradas (CAICyT-CONICET)




The National University of La Plata promotes and supports the movement of open access to knowledge as a common good, under the principle that offering society scientific and academic production without restrictions contributes to a greater exchange of global knowledge.

In line with this policy, Boletín de Arte is a diamond open access journal: it does not charge authors any publication fees and offers readers immediate and complete access to all its editions without restrictions on no type.

Since November 2018, the journal has adhered to the Mexico Declaration in favor of the Latin American Non-Commercial Open Access Ecosystem and publishes its contents under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial–ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license to guarantee the protection of regional academic and scientific production in open access.


ARCHIVING and Self-Archiving Policies

Archiving: the journal uses the LOCKSS system through PKP PN to create an archive distributed among participating libraries, thus allowing those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.

Self-archiving: Boletín de Arte [Journal of Art] (BOA) allows the self-archiving of the post-print version (publisher’s version), both in author’s or authors’ personal websites and in institutional and thematic repositories.

The deposit policy of the journal is registered in Malena.



The material published in this journal is included in SEDICI, the archive of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
Automatic backups and remote backups, format adaptation, integrity verification and other required activities to ensure the digital preservation are done through this archive. Preservation policies of SEDICI can be checked on http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/pages/politicas#preservacion.



All the journals edited by the imprint Papel Cosido of the Facultad de Artes (UNLP) [Arts School (UNLP)] incorporate interoperability protocols that allow their contents to be gathered by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories and harvesters.

Boletín de Arte [Journal of Art] (BOA) incorporates the interoperability protocol OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) in the URL http://papelcosido.fba.unlp.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/BOA/oai with the possibility of obtaining different formats for metadata (rfc1807, nlm, marcxml, oai_marc and oai_dc) when adding in the URL the corresponding acronym as a value for the metadataPrefix parameter.