Through the Window of Time
Some Cases of Appropriation in Argentine Art
Appropriationism, imaginary museum, Argentine art, modern art, contemporary artAbstract
The following research is about a specific phenomenon in modern and contemporary art: some Argentine artists appropriate previous national paintings to create their own works. Despite referencing is a constituent item in the history of art, in the present article we argue that the appropriation of national paintings is more frequent in social and political unstable moments. Artists, in those contexts, allude to this previous and canonic works in order to show new possible points of view about the national past. We are going to analyze some cases of appropriation of the painting Sin pan y sin trabajo [Without bread and without work] (1894), by Ernesto de la Cárcova, executed in the twentieth century. Finally, we are going to establish a first approach to the appropriation in Argentine contemporary art, time in which de la Carcova´s painting is frequently recreated.Downloads
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