Man, mud, fire ... the Rescue of the Origin. Contributions to the Potter’s Pedagogy


  • Liliana E. Nicolai Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Pedagogy, potter, ancestral cultures, survival


The present work tries to put in value the figure of the master potter from Berisso Carlos Moreyra as a promoter of a pedagogy of approaching the forms of ceramic production of original cultures of the American region, rescuing his productive and symbolic universe. His pedagogical proposal —centered on the transfer of knowledge in the manner of the ancients— is linked to his workshop Man, mud, fire, which is not only a place, but it also exceeds its borders in a conceptual proposal of survival and updates that ancestral knowledge.


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How to Cite

Nicolai, L. E. (2019). Man, mud, fire . the Rescue of the Origin. Contributions to the Potter’s Pedagogy. Octante, (4), e034. Retrieved from


