Visual Narratives and Transnational Violences. Passages of Latin American Art


  • María Elena Lucero Instituto de Estudios Críticos en Humanidades Universidad Nacional de Rosario



History, violence, Latin American art, visual studies


After long years of research in the framework ofher doctoral thesis, Dr. Elena Rosauro (University ofZurich, Switzerland) has published the book Historiay violencia en América Latina. Prácticas artísticas,1992-2012 [History and Violence in Latin America.Artistic Practices, 1992-2012]. This review aims tosynthesize the main lines that structure the theoreticaldevelopment deployed by the author, emphasizing theaxes of analysis that she has implemented, establishinglinks with cultural aspects of the Latin American realityand quoting the artists whose trajectories make up thevolume. Finally, the critical contributions to the field ofvisual analysis will be pointed out.


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How to Cite

Lucero, M. E. (2018). Visual Narratives and Transnational Violences. Passages of Latin American Art. Boletín De Arte, (18), e007.