Visual Translation. Epistemology of Translation in Visual Arts


  • Modesta Di Paola Facultad de Geografía e Historia Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Visual translation, text/image, transculturality, intermediality, globalization


The interest in translation, from a transculturaland global perspective, has brought about newapproaches to historical artefacts in art theoryresearch, leading to an ever-increasing dissolution ofboundaries between the various fields of art history.Nevertheless, the concept of translation has beenarticulated as a hermeneutical means to understandthe complexity of contemporary works of art inwhich text and image coexist. Yet within critic theorythere has never been a concrete research work withthe purpose of identifying the status quaestionisof a long-time neglected but crucial topic: visualtranslation. This article involves critical theories andcontemporary artistic practices that use the conceptvisual translation in the process of transmission andreception of contemporary art.


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How to Cite

Di Paola, M. (2019). Visual Translation. Epistemology of Translation in Visual Arts. Boletín De Arte, (18), e003.



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