Beyond the void: Artistic and theoretical exchange. France and Brazil in the realm of the Biennials (1959-1985)


  • Vinicius Spricigo Escola de Filosofia. Letras e Ciências Humanas Universidade Federal de São Paulo


Bienal de São Paulo, Paris Biennale, Vilém Flusser, Pierre Restany


This investigation focuses on Contemporary Art Biennials and Vilém Flusser’s claim about the criticalneed to rethink the concept of the periodical largescale exhibitions. The central axis of this study is a research in the archives of Flusser at the Universität der Künste, Berlin, the Bienal de São Paulo and the Biennale de Paris. Taking as a starting point Flusser’s proposal to the São Paulo and Paris Biennials (1972), this research analyze the passage from the artistic internationalism to the current perspectives of cultural globalization. The analyses of the archives resonate with the exchanges between São Paulo and Paris, within the framework of these Biennials between 1959 and 1985, and inform the debates on the biennialization of contemporary art. This exchange was established by the art critics Mário Pedrosa and Pierre Restany.


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How to Cite

Spricigo, V. (2016). Beyond the void: Artistic and theoretical exchange. France and Brazil in the realm of the Biennials (1959-1985). Boletín De Arte, (16), 20–29. Retrieved from