«Igneous Mass»
Lucrecia Moyano at Cristalerías Rigolleau (1934-1962)
Design, Studio Glass, Art and Industry, Cristalerías Rigolleau, Lucrecia MoyanoAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the artistic section of the Cristalerías Rigolleau, as well as the activity of Lucrecia Moyano, who directed this area between 1934 and 1962. The Rigolleau family’s interest in the arts was a fundamental starting point that motivated the presence of Moyano at the factory, who stood out throughout her career for the production of glass art. This research also seeks to focus on the place of this woman between the world of the arts and the factory, along with the difficulties that this entailed, while hoping to propose a new reading of her role as a «designer ». In this way, it is important to reflect on the use of this category in the light of its historical context in which for a long time the use of terms such as «applied arts» or «decorative artists» predominated.Downloads
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