A Phenomenological Approach to Installed Projection

Imágenes postantrópicas en Enrique Ramírez


  • Matías Nicolás Taylor Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Audiovisual installation, Film theory, Projection, Expanded cinema


This article will seek to demarcate the use of the projected image in installation works as an object of study from a phenomenological perspective, emphasizing the interactions between it and the lived body of the spectator. We will find that these pieces posit a differential with respect to the traditional cinematographic device that expands the limits of the moving image’s habitability, generating spatial, temporal and durational complexes in which the spectatorial body plays a crucial part.


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How to Cite

Taylor, M. N. . (2023). A Phenomenological Approach to Installed Projection: Imágenes postantrópicas en Enrique Ramírez. Boletín De Arte, (25), e057. https://doi.org/10.24215/23142502e057