Geohistories, Memory and Performativity

Postanthropic Images in Enrique Ramírez


  • Magdalena Mastromarino Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero



Enrique Ramírez, Image, Agency, Posthumanism


Different proposals within the so-called new materialisms, hand in hand with posthumanism, detach themselves from the path already traveled by the history of anthropos, to trace rather geohistories: a time full of inheritances and memories, entangled in multispecies relationships. Based on this premise, this paper will focus on the works of Enrique Ramírez, Océano 33°02’47” S / 52°04’00” N and Los durmientes, based on the theories outlined by authors such as Karen Barad and Donna Haraway at the crossroads with the Amerindian perspectivism of Eduardo Viveiros de Castro.


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How to Cite

Mastromarino, M. . (2023). Geohistories, Memory and Performativity: Postanthropic Images in Enrique Ramírez. Boletín De Arte, (25), e056.


