Artists!, Not Muses


  • Lara Lirussi Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Music, work, inequality, sex/gender


This article proposes a reflection about the sexual division of women’s work in the field of music based on some concepts developed by French materialist feminist theorists. The reflection focuses on the thesis developed by Paola Tabet on the technical sub-equipment of women, linked to the concepts of structural social relations between the sexes (Nicole-Claude Mathiew) and appropriation (Collete Guillaumin) as nodal categories to think about the different ways in which inequality is produced and sustained. Starting from the female quota law to think about differentiated access to the means of musical production (instruments and technology) and some of the contributions developed by Lucy Green around music and gender in contrast and connection with the the ideas proposed by Tabet and Guillaumin.


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How to Cite

Lirussi, L. (2022). Artists!, Not Muses. Boletín De Arte, (24), e048.