Bioarte a Partir De Células Hela

Bioart from Hela Cells


  • Lucía Stubrin Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos



Bioart, HeLa, Laboratory, Post-humanism, Feminism


Through the artwork titled The anarchy cell line (2004), by Australian artist Cynthia Verspaget, we will analyze and debate the consequences of her artistic practice, in terms of the aesthetic concepts that sustain bio-art, as well as its inscription within the post-humanist debate and its feminist drift. The unknown origin of organic material will serve as a trigger to analyze strategies of political positioning of contemporary art about tissue ownership, regularly used materials in scientific activity. An attempt will be made to reconstruct the tension between art perspective and conceptualization and treatment of HeLa cells in the scientific laboratory.


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How to Cite

Stubrin, L. . (2022). Bioarte a Partir De Células Hela: Bioart from Hela Cells. Boletín De Arte, (24), e047.