1999 and The Defamiliarization of La Plata’s Theatre

Study of Cuerpos a Banderados from Beatriz Catani


  • María Guimarey Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) / Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Americano. Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Beatriz Catani, defamiliarization, procedure, La Plata´s city theatre


This work approached a synchronic cut in the Platense theater system. In order to do so, we defined the Platense theater from Jorge Dubatti’s concept of territoriality, evidencing its territorial particularities. Then, the tensions between two events of 1999 were pointed out: the publication of two volumes dedicated to playwrights of the city, and the irruption of Beatriz Catani in the theatrical system with Cuerpos A banderados. From concepts such as defamiliarization and procedures, we sought to overflow the dramaturgical phenomenon, as a literary fact, in order to analyze the stage dramaturgy that such staging presented, taking into account its singularities. It was concluded that the scenic dramaturgy proposed by Beatriz Catani, supposed a break in the formal aspects above the thematic ones, producing an effect of estrangement in its reception.


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How to Cite

Guimarey, M. . (2022). 1999 and The Defamiliarization of La Plata’s Theatre: Study of Cuerpos a Banderados from Beatriz Catani. Boletín De Arte, (23), e042. https://doi.org/10.24215/23142502e042