Sex of Spectating Children

Theatre for Children and Heterosexual Institutions


  • Germán Casella Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Americano. Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Childhoods, theater, selection criteria, heterosexuality, constitutive restrictions


A network of reflections will be formed around spectating childhoods as an organization of threads of meaning whose normative dimension constitutes the subject as sexed. To this end, we will work based on an interview conducted with agents who select plays for children at the Centro Cultural Pasaje Dardo Rocha in the city of La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina). This puts into question the conditions of presentation of a specific theater and allows us to analyze the assumptions that determine their selection practices. They will be (re) producers of institutions such as compulsory heterosexuality, childhood as a minority and motherhood as a synonym of cis womanhood. From the reconception of the exclusion as a condition for the performativity of gendersex, those readings will be stressed and the process of selection of plays for children will be positioned as citation practices.


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How to Cite

Casella, G. . (2022). Sex of Spectating Children: Theatre for Children and Heterosexual Institutions. Boletín De Arte, (23), e041.