Whispering Pictures

A Visual Semiotic Path Through As Voces Baixas


  • Claudia López Barros Universidad de Buenos Aires




In this paper we propose a reading route through the pictures that compose Manuel Rivas’s book: As voices baixas (its first edition of October 2012, in Galician), as we analyze what happened in its translation to the Spanish language in 2013, Las voces bajas. We work on the contrast between the original and its Spanish version according to the many communication scenes that arise in each case. This text deals with family and social memory, where the photographs work as a testimony of the stories both indivuals and from the period. Although we focus on the visual aspects, this reading will maintain a dialogue with the written story, a story that is built with those images. We carry out an analysis that allows us to approach these immobile heavens that still disturb us on both sides of the Atlantic    


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How to Cite

López Barros, C. (2021). Whispering Pictures: A Visual Semiotic Path Through As Voces Baixas. Boletín De Arte, (22), e034. https://doi.org/10.24215/23142502e034