Aurora San Cristóval
A Litographer in XIX Century´s Peru
Lithography, Peru, xix century, woman artistAbstract
In the last quarter of the 19th century, illustrated magazines were one of the most privileged sources to learn about Peru and foreign countries. Numerous lithographs were made public through these pages. Among these collaborators, one artist’s name stands out, Aurora San Cristoval (1878-1955). Aurora did not improvise, she was guided by her father, the renowned lithographer Evaristo San Cristoval. Just as it was pointed out by Linda Nochlin (2007) in her pioneer article about female artists, the art shared between father and daughter is one of the ways in which women were able to join an artistic field dominated by men; for the nineteenth-century’s Peruvian art history, this is a paradigmatic case. This article covers characteristics in the artist’s work and reassesses her task as the only active lithographer in Lima by the end of the 19th century.Downloads
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