The Bodies Which Do Not in the History of Art. Or When We Learn Only the Cisgender-Regulated Story


  • María Noel Correbo Historia de las artes visuales IV. Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



History of the visual arts, body, normalice writing, gender


The history of the visual arts in its story about the representation of bodies left out identities dissident to the heteropatriarchal norm. Its institutionalized construction separated bodies that have value from those that do not, being functional to the capitalist and colonial hegemonic system, also in the educational field. To operate in a binary way, in the mechanisms of its writing and in the inscription of gender of the bodies, it reproduced a moralizing image with which we socially subjectivize corporeality. Contemporary activisms deactivated the norm even between theory and practice. And the law of Integral Sexual Education enabled other possibilities of existence.


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How to Cite

Correbo, M. N. (2019). The Bodies Which Do Not in the History of Art. Or When We Learn Only the Cisgender-Regulated Story. Octante, (4), e022.


