Design and Representation. Historical Debates and Challenges of the Present


  • Luciano Passarella Panorama Histórico y Social del Diseño. Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Design, representation, form, history, culture


The representation is in the prefiguration phase of thedesign project not only as mimesis of something that iselsewhere, but of something that does not exist yet. We cansay that in addition to a formal problem it is fundamentallyideological and that, in a second aspect, the design, whilegenerating representations, uses them for their projects.In this sense it is essential to review some of the historicaldebates that during the conformation of the disciplinehave involved the problematic, and how they are rethoughtat present. Finally, it is proposed to reflect on the role ofhistorical training in dealing with the current challenges ofprofessional practice.


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How to Cite

Passarella, L. (2019). Design and Representation. Historical Debates and Challenges of the Present. Octante, (3), e005.


