If It’s a Lie, Maybe It’s Art


  • Silvia García Instituto de Investigación en Producción y Enseñanza del Arte Argentino y Latinoamericano. Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Image, fiction, real, temporality


The general idea of the article is thinking about on artistic images as fictional spaces, which summon us to discover the hidden meanings that they nest between the interstices of the fabric caused by the dimensions of the real, the symbolic and the imaginary. Immersed in a contemporary temporal crisis where time slips away without allowing us to conclude anything, art allows the act of lingering to reconfigure and enrich our existence. As an example, visual, literary, photographic and archival images will be addressed, which engage the viewer in an act of complicity, to discover the mystery that this character of a lie that characterizes them contains.


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How to Cite

García, S. (2021). If It’s a Lie, Maybe It’s Art. Octante, (6), e053. https://doi.org/10.24215/25250914e053


