Objectivity: A Fiction in Texts Production


  • Mariela Alonso Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Americano. Facultad de Artes Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Fiction, objectivity, textual production


This article continues with the research carried out in recent years in the Chair Production of Texts A of the Arts Faculty of the UNLP, as it addresses the critical production of texts for the arts, in particular, in relation to their belonging to a field traditionally classified as subjective as opposed to the field of sciences considered objective. The proposal implies considering the textual production around contemporary artistic practices in their diversity, from an objectivity that is a linguistic construction based on narrative resources, but that frequently obeys cognitive and social restrictions transposed from other spheres that try to preserve the hegemony of dominant sectors that regulate the functioning of public discourse.


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How to Cite

Alonso, M. (2021). Objectivity: A Fiction in Texts Production. Octante, (6), e051. https://doi.org/10.24215/25250914e051


