Fiction: To Be or Not to Be

Uncertain Limits and Reading Experiences


  • Julieta Sanders Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Facultad de Humanidades, Artes y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos



Fiction, literature, limits, reading


Fiction returns to the scene because it represents a field of incessant dispute to set its limits and authority over them. A theoretical strife that takes place without victors or defeated. This article explores some of the concepts that support it in order to examine other possibilities that contribute to the debate. The inquiry does not pretend to give a complete definition nor to analyze successes or disadvantages that emanate from the different approaches. They are reflections arising from the teaching of literature that accept the coexistence of contrasts, contradictions, the visible and the forbidden, the feigned and the real, what is, what is not and what could become, where the reader is given the possibility of remaining calm in the opacity of some objects.


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How to Cite

Sanders, J. (2021). Fiction: To Be or Not to Be: Uncertain Limits and Reading Experiences. Octante, (6), e050.


