The Time of Art. Objective and Subjective Genitive


  • Sixto J. Castro Departamento de Filosofía. Universidad de Valladolid



Time, event, cronosophy, history


There are several ways to analyze the temporality of the work of art. In this paper I present several possible ways to understand the temporal element of artworks. On the one hand, time is considered as a framework outside the works, which makes it possible to order and measure them, etcetera. On the other hand, time is considered as a reality generated by the works themselves, which does not occur without them. In addition, artworks play an important role in the elaboration of chronosophies and in the foundation of a specific historical temporality.


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How to Cite

Castro, S. J. (2020). The Time of Art. Objective and Subjective Genitive. Octante, (5), e039.


