Musotto in Practice
Un análisis de claves en Civilização & Barbarye
Claves, Afro Latinoamerican Music, Decolonial TheoryAbstract
One of the problems that resonates in Latin American popular music studies is the lack of analysis categories designed from and for this from and for certain productions. The relationship between musical components and communities’ ways of life, beliefs and knowledge, where specific artistic productions are or have been gestated, is not taken into account when an analysis of Afro-derived music is carried out. Before his physical disappearance, a proposal from a decolonial and afro-centered perspective was developed by Ramiro Musotto in his Theory of Claves and Hidden Series. We will analyze one of his pieces of music based on this rhythmic conceptualization, and we will try to broaden our perspective, putting into play not only the musical but also the epistemological aspects of the Afro-Brazilian communities on which Musotto based his work.Downloads
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