From Curatorial Discourse to Dialectical Montage

Art and Science in London, 1951-1953


  • Paula Bruno Instituto de Geografía. Universidad de Buenos Aires / Instituto de Investigación en Arte y Cultura. Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero



Richard Hamilton, Nigel Henderson, montage, Denkraum, Independent Group


In 1951 and 1953 two art exhibitions took place at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) from London, which revised visualization types of the scientific knowledge. The first was the exposition-installation «Growth and Form», by the artist Richard Hamilton, and the second was called «Parallel of Life and Art», by the interdisciplinary group known as the Independent Group. The present article intends to inquire in which ways these exhibitions problematized visuality and assumptions of the natural sciences. And we will try to demonstrate the difference in the construction of each exhibition: «Growth and Form» would operate as an expanded curatorial discourse, whereas «Parallel of Life and Art» would pose a dialectic montage of diverse images.


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How to Cite

Bruno, P. (2021). From Curatorial Discourse to Dialectical Montage: Art and Science in London, 1951-1953. Boletín De Arte, (21), e027.