El cine de Paolo Gioli: huellas, temblores, metamorfosis

Paolo Gioli’s Cinema: Traces, Tremors, Metamorphosis


  • Eduardo A. Russo IPEAL - Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de la Plata




Film, experimental, avant-garde, photography, vision


This article examines various aspects of the poetics of Paolo Gioli (1942-2022), an integral artist who crossed painting, lithography, photography, film and video, challenging the boundaries and definitions of each media. Gioli proposes a cinema that contests the technologies of the image and interrogates the foundations of cinema. The relationships between body and gaze, between representation and abstraction, as well as the articulations between different modes of images in the audiovisual experience have been subjected in his work to an incessant battle in the field opened by the screen.


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How to Cite

Russo, E. A. (2022). El cine de Paolo Gioli: huellas, temblores, metamorfosis: Paolo Gioli’s Cinema: Traces, Tremors, Metamorphosis. Arkadin, (11), e038. https://doi.org/10.24215/2525085Xe038



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