Ways of Seeing Latin American Art in the 20th Century. An Approach to Maldonado’s and Carpani’s Proposals


  • María Inés Gannon Epistemología de las Ciencias Sociales. Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Latinamerican Art, Maldonado, Carpani


The present work develops a historiographic analysis about the new perspectives of Latin America and their contributions which arose during the 20th century. The investigation focuses on the proposals provided by Ricardo Carpani and Tomás Maldonado. This work centralizes on the theories, where both authors expose their new ways of seeing the art of the time and where they propose how this field is affected by many factors of its historical context. This investigation has as the purpose to analyse its proposals and confront them, studying their similarities and differences.


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Carpani, R. (1960). Arte y revolución en América Latina. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones Coyoacán.

Carpani, R. (1962). La política en el arte. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Continente.

Carpani, R. (1975). Arte y militancia. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Continente.

De Rueda, M. (2012). La nostalgia de las vanguardias: de Madí al arte cinético [Apunte de cátedra]. Historia de las Artes Visuales 3, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina.

Maldonado, T. (1977). Vanguardia y racionalidad. Artículos, ensayos y otros escritos: 1946-1974. Barcelona, España: Gustavo Gilli.



How to Cite

Gannon, M. I. (2019). Ways of Seeing Latin American Art in the 20th Century. An Approach to Maldonado’s and Carpani’s Proposals. Arte E Investigación, (15), e030. https://doi.org/10.24215/24691488e030