Phenomenology and Methodologies of Art, Contrast Study


  • Alma Elisa Delgado Coellar Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Daniela Velázquez Ruíz Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México



Phenomenology, social sciences, art methodologies, research


This paper describes two paradigmatic approaches to the history of science. On the one hand, the sciences of nature, and on the other, the sciences of the spirit. This works as a preamble to the methodologies of art that affect a deep study of the generating process of the work, not in view of an evaluation of a final and/or finished product, but on the contrary, the consideration of the series of elements that make it up, from its environmental surroundings, its socio-political-cultural conditions, the characteristics of the technology that is available for its creation, the qualities of those who produce it, among other elements, all these determinants in an integrating phenomenological thought for the investigation of the arts.


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How to Cite

Delgado Coellar, A. E. ., & Velázquez Ruíz, D. . (2022). Phenomenology and Methodologies of Art, Contrast Study. Arte E Investigación, (22), e089.