The Thesis, a Musical Invention. Final Work in Popular Music, Vacillations and Certainties


  • Julio Schinca Producción y análisis musical V. Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Thesis, questions, uncertainties, realization


This paper presents a reflection on therealization of thesis projects in the context ofMusical Production and Analysis V, a subjectof the Popular Musical degree course at theFaculty of Fine Arts (FBA), National Universityof La Plata (UNLP). The essential income forthese lines are the questions, uncertaintiesand concerns from many of the students thattook this advanced course. They are the targetreaders of these lines. The aim is not to providea path-clearing or task-finishing method butto show our pedagogical framework and thecourse’s central concepts in order to give cluesfor the materialization of the students’ projects.


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How to Cite

Schinca, J. (2019). The Thesis, a Musical Invention. Final Work in Popular Music, Vacillations and Certainties. Clang, (5), e004.


