¿Rock and Roll or Rock and Balls?


  • Cecilia Segura Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de la Plata




rock, gender, women, dissenting identities


This article will attempt to address the problems involved in the hegemonic position of the heterocismale -as a social category- as a reference within the rock music circuit, since the beginning of this cultural movement. Could we talk about an invisible stage? Or rather from a circuit that excludes non-hegemonic identities in the musical environment? How are the contours that delimit the space of public appearance of women and people of the LGTBIQ+ community constructed? Why do certain identities find it more difficult to establish themselves professionally in the different areas of rock?


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How to Cite

Segura, C. . (2022). ¿Rock and Roll or Rock and Balls?. Clang, (8), e028. https://doi.org/10.24215/25249215e028


