The Composer as an Intellectual in Latin America. Gustavo Becerra Schmidt and the Limits of the Nueva Canción Chilena


  • Pablo Palacios Torres Facultad de Humanidades y Educación. Universidad de Valparaíso
  • Ismael Cortez Facultad de Humanidades y Educación. Universidad de Valparaíso



New Chilean Song, Gustavo Becerra, Quilapayún, Latin America, identity


This article deals with the figure of the Chilean composer Gustavo Becerra Schmidt as an intellectual musician in Latin America and the identity problem in his work/opus «Revolución». For this, we have opted for a historical-aesthetic perspective in order to comprehend the music’s identity problem from the Romanticism and the paradigm of speculative theory to the problem of the New Chilean Song. This continuum is put into crisis with the arrival of works that incorporated outsider musical and sound elements from Latin America and the New Chilean Song’s aesthetic. Becerra Schmidt’s work «Revolución» is analysed to demonstrate the musical and political elements that conform it and how through his use the New Chilean Song reaches the limits of its proposal/ idea as an experience of popular music in Latin America.


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How to Cite

Palacios Torres, P., & Cortez, I. (2020). The Composer as an Intellectual in Latin America. Gustavo Becerra Schmidt and the Limits of the Nueva Canción Chilena. Clang, (6), e008.


