Sameness and Difference in the Historical Development of Art. Gilles Deleuze and Arthur Danto´s Approaches


  • Juan P. Sosa Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
  • Mariano O. Martínez Atencio Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



Philosohpy of art, Aesthetics, History, Danto, Deleuze


The history of art is marked by a series of alterations and transformationsthat shape its physiognomy. For some approaches, the historical impulse ofart accompanied the search for difference as a constitutive element. Thus,from the theoretical proposal of Arthur Danto, the history of art would havereached its completion once that such experimentation threw its specificdefinition from the philosophy occupied in its analysis; whereas for GillesDeleuze’s approach the history of art is only the set of conditions from whichit is necessary to flee for the creation of the new, that is, the different. Thepresent essay seeks to articulate two dissimilar readings under a commonproblem: the concept of difference as constitutive of art.  


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How to Cite

Sosa, J. P., & Martínez Atencio, M. O. (2019). Sameness and Difference in the Historical Development of Art. Gilles Deleuze and Arthur Danto´s Approaches. Armiliar, (3), e016.


