Cut and Connection. Montage and Musical form in Claude Debussy´s Canope


  • Luis Menacho Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Montage, Heterogeneity, Mxture, Post tonality, Musical time


The article explores the assembly techniques elaborated by the cinemaas a procedure for the formal organization of music. From heterogeneousfragments that are cut and connected, they have resignified the musical formand time since the avant-garde movements of the 20th century. The case ofthe Canope prelude, number 10 of Claude Debussy’s second book and theincidence of his musical conception for new poetics is analyzed.


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How to Cite

Menacho, L. (2019). Cut and Connection. Montage and Musical form in Claude Debussy´s Canope. Armiliar, (3), e015.


