Dangerous Movements. Aby Warburg, between Journey and Cinema


  • Federico Luis Ruvituso Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Americano Facultad de Bellas Artes Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Warburg, iconology, motion, cinematographic studies


This review suggests a historiographic interpretation of the book Aby Warburgand the Image in Motion (2017) by Philippe-Alain Michaud. The Spanish editionof this prophetic work offers a controversial interpretation of the Warburguianwork. Starting from an original connection between the beginnings of theiconology and the first cinematographic experiences, Michaud points out howthe Warburguian investigations fall into a theory about movement as a formof investigation. This review follows the steps of this hypothesis and offersa critical addendum about the role played in Warburg’s work for this peculiarjourney that tries to set in motion the Art History of the nineteenth century.  


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How to Cite

Ruvituso, F. L. (2019). Dangerous Movements. Aby Warburg, between Journey and Cinema. Armiliar, (2), e008. https://doi.org/10.24215/25457888e008



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