What is a Queer History of the Art Capable of?


  • Catalina Poggio Facultad de Bellas Artes Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Queer, history of art, counter writing, somatic fictions


Imagine a heretic and blasphemous history of the art. A nonconforming,sacrilegious history that perverts the untouchable madonna with the boy, thegirl, mother and missus, always holy, docile, compliant, subdued. A desire fora history of the art that is filthy, pornographic, degenerate; a history that goesbeyond the somatic fictions administered by the cis heterosexual writing ofthe academic whites, that distorts them and cross-dresses them. A yearningfor a hacker history of the art, a prosthetic, cyborg history that dismounts thehysterical and carnal relationship between image and power. Stimulating aqueer writing of the history of the art as a way of withstanding normalization, tofight off the dogmatic academic language.


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How to Cite

Poggio, C. (2018). What is a Queer History of the Art Capable of?. Armiliar, (2), e007. https://doi.org/10.24215/25457888e007



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