Leon Battista Alberti and The Camera Obscura

About the Origins of Photography in Beaumont Newhall and Helmut Gernsheim


  • Daniela Neila Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Camera Obscura, History of Photography, Beaumont Newhal, Helmut Gernsheim, Leon Battista Alberti


In the history of photography, there is a scenario of discussion around the first bibliographical sources that mention the camera obscura in the context of the configuration of the story about the origins of this technique. This article aims to expose this debate by analyzing and comparing the histories of photography by Beaumont Newhall (1949 and 2002) and Helmut Gernsheim (1969), where some texts by Leon Battista Alberti are subjects to controversy.


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Alberti, L. B. (1996). De la pintura. En Álvarez, C.; Martinez, R. y Torres, C. (Ed.), Leon Battista Alberti. De la pintura (pp. 57 – 147). Servicios Editoriales de la Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM.

Field, J. V. (1996). Introducción y notas. En Álvarez, C.; Martinez, R. y Torres, C. (Ed.), Leon Battista Alberti. De la pintura (pp. 1 – 27 y 57 – 147). Servicios Editoriales de la Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM.

Gernsheim, H. (1969). The history of photography from the camera obscura to the beginning of the modern era. Thames and Hudson.

Martínez-E, J. R. (1996). Leon Battista Alberti y el arte de lo visible. En Álvarez, C.; Martinez, R. y Torres, C. (Ed.), Leon Battista Alberti. De la pintura (pp. 29 – 56). Servicios Editoriales de la Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM.

Newhall, B. (1949). The History of Photography from 1839 to the Present Day. The Museum of Modern Art.

Newhall, B. (2002). Historia de la fotografía. Gustavo Gili.

Schlosser, J. (1976). La literatura artística. Manual de fuentes de la historia moderna del arte. Ediciones Cátedra.

Vasari, G. (1957). Vidas de artistas ilustres. (Vol. 2). Editorial Iberia.



How to Cite

Neila, D. . (2023). Leon Battista Alberti and The Camera Obscura: About the Origins of Photography in Beaumont Newhall and Helmut Gernsheim. Armiliar, (7), e053. https://doi.org/10.24215/25457888e053



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