Sacred and Healing Plants in Huaxtepec

The Pre-Hispanic and European Medicinal Legacy in Nueva España


  • Patrizia Granziera Facultad de Artes, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Cuernavaca-México



Huaxtepec, hospital, New Spain, healing plants


Huaxtepec, one of the most famous Aztec gardens, belonged to Moctezuma I (1440-1469 Ilhuicamina). This pre-Hispanic garden, like others, contained ritual and medicinal plants. The missionary friars were the first who, in the middle of the 16th century, became interested in the medical practices developed by the indigenous people and in the plants they used in healing and religious rituals. These friars also founded the first hospitals such as the Hospital de la Santa Cruz in Huaxtepec. This study tries to demonstrate how this Hospital maintained an important role during the colony as a place of relaxation and healing where the plants of the old garden of Moctezuma continued to be used and mixed with those from other continents for the healing of the sick.


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How to Cite

Granziera, P. . (2022). Sacred and Healing Plants in Huaxtepec: The Pre-Hispanic and European Medicinal Legacy in Nueva España. Armiliar, (6), e040.


