Cultural Heritage and Historiography. The Case of the Foundation Square in San Miguel de Tucumán


  • Ariel Ignacio Slavutsky Universidad Nacional de Jujuy / Universidad Nacional de Tucumán



Cultural heritage, historiography, native peoples, San Miguel de Tucumán


Since its creation, Argentina as a nation-state has devoted an important part of its cultural resources to the creation of a homogeneous social identity that would allow its citizens to recognize themselves as Argentinian. All those who were left out of the process of homogenization had to be included in some way. In this work we will analyze how the original peoples were introduced into national history from the study of the heritage activation of the foundation square in San Miguel de Tucumán. We are interested in showing the interbreeding of disciplinary discourses and cultural heritage and their transformation over time.


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How to Cite

Slavutsky, A. I. (2020). Cultural Heritage and Historiography. The Case of the Foundation Square in San Miguel de Tucumán. Armiliar, (4), e027.


