The Mystery of Gold. Danae and the Golden Rain, amidst Alchemy and Economic Science


  • Catalina Aldama Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de San Martín



Danae, mythological nudes, art history, history of economic thought, alchemy


Between the XVI and the XVII centuries, in continental Europe, there was a proliferation of paintings, engravings, frescoes and prints dedicated to the mythical episode of Danae and the golden rain. The distinctive element of Danae’s scene, in comparison to other mythological nudes, is gold, which appears as a corrupting substance. Taking Hendrik Goltzius’ painting on the subject as a starting point, the purpose of this article is to investigate the way in which gold is represented in some of the paintings of the period. We will explore the link of these images with the curiosity of the time to unravel the mystery of this metal. From an alchemical treatise to an economic text, between magic and science, we will find Danae being evoked in order to explain the power of gold.


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How to Cite

Aldama, C. (2020). The Mystery of Gold. Danae and the Golden Rain, amidst Alchemy and Economic Science. Armiliar, (4), e025.


