The Videoperformance. Trans-Siberian Train Site of the Gaze and Perception of the Time
Performance, film essay, neo-vanguard, dialogism, allegoryAbstract
This article is about the video-performance Trans-Siberian Train (1970), by Joseph Beuys,made at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, in Humlebæk, Denmark. The camera is byOle John and the film was exposed as the closing of Beuys’ exhibition called Tabernacle.The authoress conducted a semiotic analysis of the work and the Medial Files, translatingthese texts from German. In this work, Beuys takes Trans-Siberian Train as a symbol ofinstituting the utopian state of Eurasia. This work reconstruct the artist’s poetics, the conceptof «expanded art» and «social sculpture».References
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