Supplements to Vision. The Stopped Image


  • Gonzalo de Lucas Departamento de Comunicación. Universidad Pompeu Fabra


Montage, stopped image, interruption, interval, essay film


The editing suite occupies the place of the writing desk, of the doubtful work of cuttingor stopping in the interval. The stopped image is a fundamental gesture in essay cinema,one which is used to make the actual material of the image more visible and, just like slowmotion, it creates a supplement to vision, as well as time to think about it. Because with astopped image, the spectator becomes thoughtful. These issues bring us back to the openform, and to the vertical way in which we can perceive them. When we look at an image, ourgaze goes in all directions, and so we should take pains to begin with that visual explorationbefore writing about it.


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How to Cite

de Lucas, G. (2018). Supplements to Vision. The Stopped Image. Arkadin, (7), 69–77. Retrieved from



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