Montaje of Empty Spaces. Cortázar, Godard, Rauschenberg


  • Giovanni Festa


Montage, empty space, Shot and countershot, Cortázar, Godard, Rauschenberg


The essay tries to find a relationship among Cortázar, Godard and Rauschenberg throughthe operative concept of montage of the empty spaces: it is a type of montage that datesback to Deleuze and postulates the introduction of a space image by image, that will allownew forms of reciprocity (shot and countershot) and the creation of a free space for thespectator who becomes co-author.


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How to Cite

Festa, G. (2018). Montaje of Empty Spaces. Cortázar, Godard, Rauschenberg. Arkadin, (7), 33–45. Retrieved from



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