With All This Panic, Sincerely

Drawings Coming to Life and Materializing Ideas


  • Catalina Lorente Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata




animation, movement, subjectivity, cartoon


Con todo este pánico, Atte. [With all this panic, Sincerely.] (2024) is the search to represent a look afflicted with stage fright and to break it down through the use of animation. From the cartoon technique, the sensations and perceptions of the protagonist are explored, configuring a subjective world. The drawings articulate the process of the work, from its origin to the result of seeing them narrated in movement.


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Sáenz Valiente, R. (2006) Cómo animar. En Arte y Técnica de la Animación: Clásica, corpórea, computada para juegos o interactiva (pp. 337-407). De la Flor.

Law, T.. (10 de mayo de 2013). This Actually Happens a Lot. [Cortometraje animado]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WKfgbUkSug&t=8s&ab_channel=TomLaw

Vicent, V. (3 de febrero de 2017). Agoraphobia [Cortometraje animado]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ydKQDIFf1I

Vicent, V. (16 de abril de 2019). Dead end [Cortometraje animado]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=RUaOpH31IRU&ab_channel=vewn

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Williams, R. (2001) Animator’s Survival Kit [Kit de supervivencia para animadores]. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.



How to Cite

Lorente, C. . (2024). With All This Panic, Sincerely: Drawings Coming to Life and Materializing Ideas. Arkadin, (13), e060. https://doi.org/10.24215/2525085Xe060



En construcción