Alice Guy, the Movie Fairy

How to Redirect the Presence of Women in The Cinema?


  • Eva Noriega Instituto de Producción y Enseñanza del Arte Argentino y Latinoamericano (IPEAL). Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Film, Feminism, History, Memories, Gender


Reseña a Alice Guy (2021). Memorias 1783-1968. Banda Propia, 300 páginas Memories 1873-1968 describes the journey of her life through the film industry. The book also contains the text of Tiziana Panizza who considers her work as belonging to early cinema and suggest to study it as experimental cinema. She proposes that Film history should be re-written constantly. The text mentions the ways in which the filmmaker was marginalized from the history of cinema in the past and includes the perspectives that place Alice Guy’s films in a valuation context and generate new readings and approaches about early cinema and her films.


Barrett, M. (19 de enero de 2010). Silent revelations. Pop matters. [Entrada de blog].

Guy, A. (2021). Memorias 1873-1968. Traducción Pablo Fante. Prólogo de Tiziana Panizza. Concón. Banda Propia.

Masduraud, N. & Urréa, V. (Directoras). (2021). Alice Guy - L’inconnue du 7e art. [Alice Guy - La desconocida del 7º arte]. [TV]. Arte France Productions.

McMahan, A. (2002). Alice Guy Blaché: Lost visionary of the cinema. [Alice Guy Blaché: Una visionaria olvidada del cine]. Bloomsbury.

Niogret, H. & Burch, N. (Directores). (1985). The Silent Revolution: What Do Those Old Films Mean? Capítulo 4: The Enemy below. 1905 - 1922.[La revolución silenciosa: ¿qué significan esas viejas películas?. Capítulo 4: El enemigo de abajo], [TV]. Channel 4 TV.

Panizza, T. (2021). El latido combustible de una imagen. En Memorias 1873-1968 (pp. 11-37). Concón. Banda Propia.

Pearlman, K. & Gaines, J. M. (Directoras). (2020). After the Facts – These Edits Are My Thoughts [Después de los hechos - Estos cortes son mi pensamiento]. [Video] en Jane Gaines, Radha Vatsal, and Monica Dall’Asta, eds. Women Film Pioneers Project. Columbia University Libraries.



How to Cite

Noriega, E. . (2023). Alice Guy, the Movie Fairy: How to Redirect the Presence of Women in The Cinema?. Arkadin, (12), e052.



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