Kisses without goodbye

The pursuit of living for ever


  • Rocío Martínez Benz Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Archive, Documentary, Montage, Gaze


Los besos sin despedida [Kisses without goodbye] consists of discovering a new story based on two preexistent stories. It aims to address spectator attention by dismantling the archive material condition and the family archive records to approach a new audience. The present article is a reflection on the language strategies developed to meet those two materials and to tell an absent character. It highlights the possibility of editing to narrate all times, including all of them at the same time and as a result of this encounter to release a new gaze.


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How to Cite

Martínez Benz, R. . (2023). Kisses without goodbye: The pursuit of living for ever. Arkadin, (12), e051.



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