Counting (singing) with The Mother: Feminine Inheritances

An Analysis About La Casa Del Recuerdo


  • María Aimaretti Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Universidad de Buenos Aires



Classic Industrial Cinema, Women, Maternity, Inheritance


Within the framework of a main study dedicated to mapping the maternal imaginary in Argentine fiction cinema from 1933 to the present, this work addresses the issue of transmissions or inheritances, concentrating on the analysis of La casa del recuerdo (1940), where music, songs and sound atmospheres are the vector that makes the contact with what comes from the mother possible. The text gives a general characterization of the film, to then examine the mother-child model offered by the story, both in terms of its iconographic and sound dimension, detecting tensions and resonances between socio-cultural gender imaginaries and staging.


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How to Cite

Aimaretti, M. . (2023). Counting (singing) with The Mother: Feminine Inheritances: An Analysis About La Casa Del Recuerdo. Arkadin, (12), e050.



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