Montage in Modern Life: Vertov and Dos Passos


  • Giovanni Festa Instituto Botticelli



Montage, documentary, image


This essay is an attempt to cross two forms of documentary belonging to the ‘20s, an emblematic period for the emergence of a thought of the montage in itself and a thought of a through montage. We consider documentary as an uninterpreted image or as the way of turning interpreted images into uninterpreted material, and montage as an operation of construction and analysis of reality and, at the same time, a form of pragmatic pedagogy and experimental learning. The type of montage we choose to analyse is the one of interval, a differential system that allows us to connect what is far and disconnect what is near in authors such as Dziga Vertov and John Dos Passos.


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Didi-Huberman, G. (2014). Pueblos expuestos, pueblos figurantes. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Manantial.

Dos Passos, J. [1930] (2011). Paralelo 42. Madrid, España: De Bolsillo.

Griffith, D. W. (Director). (1909). A corner in wheat [Película]. Disponible en

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How to Cite

Festa, G. (2020). Montage in Modern Life: Vertov and Dos Passos. Arkadin, (9), e017.



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