Productions of Time


  • Antonio Fatorelli Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Malena Di Bastiano Instituto de Investigación en en Producción y Enseñanza del Arte Argentino y Latinoamericano. Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Film, photography, hibridization, installation, contemporary art


The article addresses the analysis of The Last Century (2005), the installation made by Sam Taylor Wood, assuming it at the same time as a particular case of intersection between the plastic, photographic an cinematographic image, and as a device that proposes and enables a sensitive experience and reflection on the categories of time an mobility in contemporary visual art. Conventional assumptions about films and photography, in particular —those two great epistemes that prevail in the history of techno-scientific images— are overstepped, challenged and evidenced as insufficiente from the hybrid and paradoxical strategy that grings this work into play, challenging the views and, retroactively, from an instance of digital production, to the history of the technical images that precede it.


Bellour, R. (1997). Entre-imagens – foto, cinema, vídeo. Campinas, Brasil: Papirus.

Caravaggio, M. (1599-1600). La vocación de San Mateo [Pintura]. Roma, Italia: Capilla Contarelli.

Dubois, P. (2012). A matéria-tempo e seus paradoxos perceptivos na obra de David Claerbout. Revista ECO-PÓS, 15(1).

Foucault, M. (2009). Outros espaços. En Ditos e escritos III – Estética, literatura e pintura, música e cinema.



How to Cite

Fatorelli, A., & Di Bastiano, M. (2020). Productions of Time. Arkadin, (9), e019.



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