Performance As Identity Builder


  • Luciano Gerez Historia Sociocultural del Arte. Departamento de Artes Audiovisuales. Universidad Nacional de las Artes



Body, performance, identity


In «Performance as identity builder», I seek to analyze and understand the way in which postmodernist artists conceived and used their own body. While there are many ways in which the body was used in this stage, this article focuses in how it has affected the shaping of an identity. From the approach of Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis’s work, Refundación de la Universidad de Chile, the article questions why it was so impacting this performance for the viewer, which was its objective and why the performance and the use of their own bodies were the most efficient way to express this message.


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How to Cite

Gerez, L. (2019). Performance As Identity Builder. Arte E Investigación, (16), e044.