Processes in the Immateriality. the Case of Databending


  • David Baulina Guzman Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Unsubstantial, form, glitch


A key issue in the creative processes of material culture is the acquisition of skills through experience and craft. In the creative work that is done in visual arts, a large part of these skills and experiences is born from the same material from which one works. However, in the case of work with digital media, this materiality has an unsubstantial nature. Digital images generate a new situation with respect to the work previously performed with analogue media. As a case study we will address the development of digital images formed by a process known as databending.


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How to Cite

Guzman, D. B. (2019). Processes in the Immateriality. the Case of Databending. Arte E Investigación, (16), e039.