Subjective Photography and Photographic Groups. Fotoform, La Carpeta de los Diez and Afal


  • Julieta Pestarino Dirección de Archivos de Arquitectura y Diseño Argentinos. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de Buenos Aires



Subjective photography, Fotoform, La Carpeta de los Diez, Afal


After World War II, several photography groups started gathering both in Europe and in Latin America, bringing together elements from humanist photography, mainly developed in France, in Italy and in the United States, and from German subjective photography. Many of these groups had similar purposes and characteristics, within a time in which photography as art was seeking its autonomous status through specific methods and scope. This work explores the influence the German group Fotoform, and the precepts of subjective photography provided by Otto Steinert, had over the photography groups Afal from Spain and La Carpeta de los Diez from Argentina.


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How to Cite

Pestarino, J. (2019). Subjective Photography and Photographic Groups. Fotoform, La Carpeta de los Diez and Afal. Arte E Investigación, (16), e038.