The Construction of Discourse in Pop-Up Books. Text, Image and Movement


  • Martin Patricio Barrios Departamento de Artes Visuales. Universidad Nacional de las Artes.
  • María Florencia Mendoza Departamento de Artes Visuales. Universidad Nacional de las Artes



Pop-up books, discourse, image, movement, text


The purpose of this project is to analyze the resources (text, image and movement) ofcontemporary pop-up books to investigate the way in which the discourse is constructed.Pop-up books are editorial materials that have an integral construction that goes beyond thetext. They are objects in which harmony and energy reign. The discourse of pop-up booksis constructed on the basis of three pillars: text, image and movement. The relationshipbetween these elements will not only determine the reading possibilities of the book butalso the characteristics that the narrative, movement and textual resources (if there is text)will have to construct the discursive line.


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Author Biography

María Florencia Mendoza, Departamento de Artes Visuales. Universidad Nacional de las Artes



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How to Cite

Barrios, M. P., & Mendoza, M. F. (2018). The Construction of Discourse in Pop-Up Books. Text, Image and Movement. Arte E Investigación, (14), e017.



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